Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009

Depression may be bad

The colors of your mood, how you perceive their environment, human
you and yourself. If you have a good mood, you tend to look for other
and ourselves through the rose-colored glasses. All seems right with the
world. It is, however, some feel the truth that if you're lucky, that the
The whole world seems to be happy, too. People may not be really happy, but if you're
lucky, it may not matter so much.
If you are feeling, sad mood, you tend to see things with
negative perspective. Gone is the rose-colored glasses. Now you are wearing
very dark ones. And it overflow, bleak mood may affect the way you look
at himself. An interesting experiment showing how mood may affect the
judgments. Before the test, I must point out that researchers
have developed techniques that can change the mood of normal subjects.
One of the mood induction techniques is hypnosis. Another relatively
simple technique, which is widely used is to ask the subject to read the
a set of standardized phrases, which is sad, and it would be, for example, content.1
"The way I feel now, the future looks forward to boring and hopeless." He has repeatedly
shown that when people read and feel the atmosphere of these phrases, such as
they do so, they become more depressed. On the other hand, happy reading sentences
tends to elevate mood. Mood, it is possible that sensitivity to change!
I conducted the experiment described in Joseph Forgas
and his colleagues.2 For the first experiment, subjects interviewed for
during a variety of subjects. These interviews are videotaped, with all --
jects' consent. The following day, subjects were given a mood induction
techniques in order to make them feel happier or sadder, either about themselves. The
Then, subjects are asked to comment on the videotapes. The
positive mood subjects evaluated their performance as competent, confident
and socially skilled. Subjects who had been placed in a negative mood saw their
Previous performances have been incompetent, clumsy, and unskilled. The purpose of the
do not see any difference between the two interviews. It was all eyes
European issues.
When the depressed mood can you think that the more negative, it is also true
that negative thoughts do not hold back on your mood. Based on this observation,
Aaron T. Beck has become one of the most influential theories of
cause of depression, as well as an effective treatment known as cognitive therapy.
3 In the case of mood and thought patterns are negative, you can also view the changes
in behavior, such as delayed reactions and the loss of their interest in normal activities.
Moreover, there may be changes you feel physically. Person
may be a variety of physical complaints, and not sleep or eat, as well as the past.
Instead of simply depressed mood, which we now have more complex situations
a mixture of symptoms. This group of symptoms of depression.
The clinical picture and understanding of depression has become
refined in recent years, but we like the preface, the idea that people
can become sad, and goes back a long way to confirm. Hippokrates
and Aretaeus, the doctors of ancient Greece wrote of people who suffered
from a more advanced form of depression, and naturalistic, based on the biologically
theory to explain the it.4 While the theory was incorrect, their views of depression
will remain in the building and the importance of careful monitoring
testable explanatory models of scientific inquiry.
World literature has its share of characters who seem low.
One of the depressed people in the literary works from the Tales of "A Thousand
and One Nights "is both the writings of Johann German poet and playwright
Wolfgang von Goethe.5 Remember crestfallen figure of King Lear in Shakespeare
Lady Macbeth's fault, or to drive?
Among the historical figures, Abraham Lincoln was described as a melancholy
man. He wrote to his law partner, John Stuart, "I am now the most miserable
human life. If I feel were equally distributed across the human family,
there would not be one cheerful face on earth. Will I ever better,
I can not say I am awful, I can not foretell. In order to maintain as I am is impossible. I
must have died or have been better ...." 6
In its carefully documented book touched with fire: Manic-depressive Illness
and the artistic Temperament, Kay Redfield Jamison presents a long list of
well-known poets, novelists, composers and painters, who have been
suffered from one or the other including a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder.
7 This is a list of poets includes Lord Byron, Emily Dickinson, TS Eliot, John
Keats, Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, and Sara Teasdale, novelists Charles
8 Understanding Depression
Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville, and Leo
Tolstoy, composers Hector Berlioz, George Frederick Handel, Robert Schumann,
and Peter Tchaikovsky, painters Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, Paul
Gauguin, Jackson Pollock and Georgia O'Keeffe. The list includes some of Jameson
of the major artistic talents to the history of Western civilization. Is it really
a link between depression and artistic creativity? Jamison's bibliography
work suggests that this is the case.
Although the concept of depression has its roots in early times the test
clearly defined, it is a clinical disorder that had to wait for the development of psychiatry
In the nineteenth century. The description and classification of mental
and emotional disorders, received a great impetus to the second half of the time
nineteenth century, much of it from the pioneering efforts of German
psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin. Eight editions of his Textbook of Psychiatry
to distinguish between different types of mental illness, using such terms
as manic-depressive disorder, which will remain part of psychiatric language today.8
Tests to describe and classify what appeared to be different types of
shadings of depression, or continued after Kraepelin. Various
descriptive terms have entered the psychiatric literature, which demonstrate more-or-less
useful, including involutional melancholia, endogenous depression, reactive
depression, neurotic depression, and dysthymic disorder. Dysthymic disorder in May
the least familiar with their names, but the current definition of favor, which refers to
depression, which is usually not difficult, but it is a long-term, the type of problem
which can linger for years. Despite the heavy-sounding list of diagnostic
category of the problem, essentially the difference between the varieties
depressive problems have not yet been fully resolved. American Psychiatric Association,
the working groups and committees, the wrestling is the problem.
The current thinking is embodied in the Association in its Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.9 Although some uncertainty
Subtypings the depression, there is general agreement, a typical
symptoms of depression. I will now describe these symptoms.

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